Thursday 3 March 2011


Heres the final animation without effects  we're happy its done and feel everyone contrubuted well toward the finish product. There are many flaws we see in the final which our mentioned in each of our evaluation.

my final scene for the stop motion and Evaluation

Today i have accomplished doing the final scene for the stop motion, the scene where my riot soldier who is wielding the gatling gun gets shot by the enemy sniper and dies. Though i should have really done this yesterday after my gatling gun scene but i was Expecting the scene where my gatling gun kills a vast magority of the green army men but it was delayed till today. After i had accomplished my part of the animation i started to work on my evaluation where i will be critically evaluating my work from the beginning of the entire project.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

What i did today, yesterday and the day-before.

the day-before when we came back from our holiday i began to cut out the remaining sprites including my riot solider sprites that Pete has prinited out and stuck on mount board for me, it took me a while to cut them but i managed to get it done by the end of the day, after that i cut some body pieces out with Pete's extra remaining sprites for the exoplosion scene. On Tuesday i started to animate my riot soldier sprites for the stop motion, it was the part where to actually come into the scene as rienforcments but today i did more animations such as animation the garlting gun being used and more wall cycles for mine and petes soldiers in the background and also death animations.

Dear Peter i have done it!!!!! YAY!!! :D
I also demand a cookie!!!!!

Dear Kyle

Dear Kyle.

Considering there was a number of things I should of told you and hopefully you will actually check the blog in the morning, here is a number of things I'd like you to bear in mind.

Don't just use your sprites like for the minigun bit. We need things going on in the background, aka my sprites walking in and dying/ your sprites shooting or dying etc.
And for the minigun bit don't just use the single picture for the whole scene, wobble the sprite around so atleast it looks like its being moved slightly.
Also we are laptop 3.

Good luck, don't mess this up boy.
